Show name: ____Somewhere Between
Sunrise & Sunset ____January 12, 2016 / #631
Artist: Song:
Artist: Song:
Genesis - "Watcher of the Skies"
Genesis - "In the Cage (Medley - Cinema Show/Slippermen) / Afterglow (Live from Three Sides Live)"
Satellite - "The Evening Wind"
Satellite - "The Evening Wind"
David Bowie - "Blackstar"
FM - "Phasors on Stun"
FM - "Brave New Worlds"
Nightingale - "Revival"
Nightingale - "On Stolen Wings"
Unicorn - "The Likes of Noone"
Dag Swanö - "En älskad formulering"
Blind Owl - "Digital Animal Suite"
Magic Pie - "Motions of Desire"
Magic Pie - "Trick of the Trade"
FreddeGredde - "Beside Me"
FreddeGredde - "Welcome the Bright Skies"
Falling Edge - "Minstrel in the Corner"
Opeth - "To Bid You Farewell"
FreddeGredde - "Beside Me"
FreddeGredde - "Welcome the Bright Skies"
Falling Edge - "Minstrel in the Corner"
Opeth - "To Bid You Farewell"
Program Notes: Final program of Somewhere Between Sunrise & Sunset on 88.3FM, WBWC